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We Hear and Play starter package. |
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We Hear and Play system. |
Education for Absolute Pitch
96 pp., B&W, perfect bound. |
We Hear and Play, Volume 1We Hear and Play, Volume 1 is the first book in the piano instruction series. In Volume 1, children are introduced to the piano. Concepts include:
The purpose and method of teaching each musical piece in Volume 1 is fully described in Education for Absolute Pitch. |
112 pp., full color, looseleaf with binder. |
We Hear and Play, Volume 2We Hear and Play, Volume 2 is the second book in the piano instruction series. In Volume 2, children are further familiarized with piano literacy. Concepts include:
The purpose and method of teaching each musical piece in Volume 2 is fully described in Education for Absolute Pitch. |
112 pp., full color, looseleaf with binder. |
We Hear and Play, Volume 3We Hear and Play, Volume 3 is the third book in the piano instruction series. In Volume 3, students expand their knowledge of the piano and its notation. Concepts include:
The purpose and method of teaching each musical piece in Volume 3 is fully described in Education for Absolute Pitch. |
138 pp., full color, looseleaf with binder. |
Colored balls
These colored plastic balls are required to play the We Hear and Play ear training games. Ear training games are an essential component of the We Hear and Play system. It is possible to play the games with only one set of balls, but at least four sets are recommended. Each additional set of balls increases your child's opportunities to invent and discover as they play the games. The colored balls are made of a lightweight, non-toxic plastic, and are perfectly sized for a child's hands. |
Colored balls, set of 7. |
Colored balls, 4 sets of 7.
Colored stickersThe We Hear and Play system requires that the piano keys be marked with colored dots in each of these seven colors. Four sets of 3/4" dots are enough to cover the main octaves of the piano keyboard. These stickers are color-matched to the We Hear and Play piano system. Although 3/4" sticky dots can be found at any office-supply stores, it is usually difficult to find brown, grey, and orange; furthermore, office-supply colors do not always correspond to those featured in We Hear and Play. For greatest convenience and effectiveness, this set of stickers is recommended. |
Colored stickers, 4 sets of 7. |
Contact Chris Aruffo at acousticlearning.com